Saturday, February 11, 2012

White Screen Bug FIXED!

The white screen bug is finally fixed after a few days, a lot of penguins were not able to see the Stage! I can now post again!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Angry at Club Penguin!

So the new play has been released at the Stage, but there is a white screen BUG!  It's happening to most penguins and to me! They didn't even fix the bug yet! It's really frustrating me! I tried different servers and browsers, but it still does NOT work! I will not be blogging until Club Penguin fixes the bug!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Party Coming Soon!


Happy77 here. Thanks for all your comments about the Fashion Show! This is the first time we've ever hosted an event in one room, so we've loved hearing what you think about it. 

Some of you asked if this was the only special event in February... Guess what? There's a brand new party happening later this month! I'm excited about this one and can't wait to hear what you think of it. We'll have some sneak peeks for you very soon. Stay tuned! :)

But first... we're just about ready to launch a play at the Stage! It's two plays combined called "The Vikings That Time Forgot":

What plays would you like to see at the Stage in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

New Penguin Poll

A new penguin poll is here! Let's check out this week's poll:

New Club Penguin Community Poll

Have you voted yet? Vote soon!

New Coloring Page!

A new coloring page is here! Let's go check it out:

Click the image to print.

That looks amazing! I hope you guys enjoyed the Underwater Expedition!

Membership Page: What's New

Club Penguin has something to share with us! Coming up in February, Rockhopper will be taking us on quest to 3 islands! The membership page has been updated! Check it out:

This sounds fun! I can not wait to explore with Rockhopper!

Rockhopper's Quest Login Screen

A new login screen is here! Check it out:

Rockhopper will be taking you on a quest and explore 3 islands from February 23 until March 6!

Featured Fashions - Feb 8


Happy77 here. It's time to share some sweet outfits you've seen other penguins sporting at the Fashion Show! 

Z Kamora said: "I've seen a penguin named Sunoco721 who wears the COOLEST fashions! Like a cool blue dress, sunglasses, and when she's EPF, she wears agent clothes and other cool stuff!"

Sunoco721 (edited).jpg

Penguinfan said: "WOW! That's SO cool! I have seen a penguin with amazing outfits! His name is Errorunvalid."

Errorunvalid (edited).jpg

Keep an eye out for more styles at the Fashion Show. Let us know about the most fashionable penguin you've seen, and what you liked best about their outfit! We'll pick a few from your comments to feature here on the blog. 

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team

Lane Merrifield Q&A (Club Penguin)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Safer Internet Day 2012

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Safer Internet Day 2012 will take place on Tuesday 7 February 2012, centred on the theme "Connecting generations and educating each other", where we encourage users young and old to "discover the digital world together...safely"!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fashion Show on Club Penguin! (Official Commercial)

Video Blog: Lauren on the Fashion Show and Penguin Style [Official Club Penguin]


Happy77 here. Here's a quick video blog from Lauren of the Club Penguin Team. Check it out:

What would you like to see in future video blogs? Share your ideas in the comments below! :)

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team