Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pictures Are Not Working!

Hey guys, as I was trying to make a post, I was not able to post any photos on the posts that I took. Somehow, the upload button will not appear on the screen. I will try to see the problem and find a solution

Reviewed By You: New Penguin Styles

Hello Penguins!

Can you believe we actually broke the Coins for Change board?! All thanks to YOUR donations!

In our last Reviewed By You post, we asked which Coins for Change cause you donated to and why. Here’s Hermey12’s answer:

I donated to ALL of them! I feel it's all of our jobs to help the earth, help build safe places, and provide health care for the ill. I can't believe we donated OVER 10 BILLION COINS this year! Wow! That's really a big difference that we made this year! -Hermey12 :)

Yesterday you got a sneak peek at the January Penguin Style catalog. Now we want to know: What new penguin styles would you most like to see this year? Tell us in the comments, and we’ll feature one of your answers. If you’re picked, you’ll receive 10,000 coins!

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

I like many clothing items in Club Penguin, but what I would most like to see is just fun clothes with very interesting dances.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Treasure Book Sneak Peek

CP has given us a sneak peek of the new Treasure Book, which will be updated on Thursday night! Check it out:

I like these new outfits. I wonder what else is in store for us!

New Blog Opening!

Hey guys! As you know, I am opening a new blog about what happens in my life! It's now starting to open and I will update it to give it a new look. Here is the link to my new blog: If you also have any ideas for what to do in my blog, feel free to tell me!

January 2013 Penguin Style Sneak Peek!

Happy New Year, Penguins!

Ready to get the New Year started with style? The new Penguin Style catalog comes out later this week. Check out the cover!

You read that right… The new catalog will include a page of clothing items everyone can buy. Very cool!

Also, we had to move our weekly launch to tomorrow evening, Thursday, January 3. So that's an extra day to keep earning coins for the new items in the catalog!

Until next time… Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

This is an amazing idea! I am glad that now all penguins can have an exciting item from the catalog and that we have more time to earn more coins! Thank you, CP!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

R.I.P. Sandy Hook Elementary

   Hey guys, as you know, on December 14, 2012, 20 year-old, Adam Lanza, shot his mother at home and shot 20 students and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary, before killing himself. Today, I still remember this school tragedy and those who were taken away from their loved ones. R.I.P. The 27 Sandy Hook victims, In Our Hearts Forever.

Returning in January and New Blog!

   Hey guys! As you know I am returning very, very soon in the winter season, most likely in January. Anyways, I hope you all are having a happy holidays and I have very exciting news! I am making a new blog about my daily life and you are not going to believe what goes on in my life!