Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rockhopper vs. Mighty Squid!! [Official Club Penguin]

The official English version of Rockhopper vs. Mighty Squid!

Inside 1aredrocka1's Igloo: Forest Fun!

Hey guys, let's go inside the forest and check out my igloo! This is how one of my saved igloos look like:

(Click the image to view it larger)

What do you think of my igloo? Leave your opinions in the comments! I will post about my igloo for the Tropical Igloo Contest starting tomorrow!

Fruit Costumes!

Hey guys, sorry I have not posted in a while. I am still working on the fruity and adventurous decorations. I was on Abominable when I caught something with my eye! I saw two penguins wearing the exclusive fruity items from the Club Penguin Innocent Smoothies brand! Check it out:

Click on the pictures to see it larger! What do you think of these items?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Trade Your Items

Hey guys, if you unlock toy codes, you might recieve the old teasure book! Well, I contacted CP by email and this is what they said:

In regards to the Treasure Book, we would be more than happy to trade items for your child to the new Treasure Book. Please have them pick any two items from any of the pages (except for the Super Exclusive page). Once we have received your reply, we will trade the two that they redeemed from the old Treasure Book to two items from the new Treasure Book. To view the new items from the Treasure Book, please log into Club Penguin and access the Treasure Book from the Gift Shop.

Thank you, Club Penguin, but you should fix this bug.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rockhopper VS el Calamar Gigante

A forgein version of an upcoming short: Rockhopper VS. The Giant Squid!