Friday, June 29, 2012

New Club Penguin Video Coming Sunday!

Hey guys, on my last post, it was a Disney video that included clips from the new Club Penguin video:

What do you think it is and what is going to happen?

Have you seen Disney on YouTube? (New Video Sneak Peek)

Fun Activities: Crispy Strips!

Even Super Heroes and Villains need to take a break from saving the world... or destroying it. Check out our latest Fun Activity
Crispy Strips!
Crispy Strips - small.jpg
What kind of fun activities would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below. 
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team 

By Happy77 on June 29 2012 08:50

Thursday, June 28, 2012


In this month's Club Penguin Magazine issue, there are 3 free coin codes that add up to 3,000 instead of 1,500! Each coin code is 1,000 coins! Here are the codes:


 Hope this helps, earn your free coins now.

EPF Message From Gary

EPF Agents, you have a new message from Gary:

Receive your new message at Club Penguin, EPF Agents!

July 2012 Party Sneak Peek!

Greetings Penguins! 
Happy77 here. There have been a lot of questions about what we've got in store for July. So I wanted to share a sneak peek of the party coming next month... 

Starting July 19, we're going to throw the biggest music and dance party you've ever seen! Club Penguin's annual Music Jam will be transformed into the "Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam". It's going to be epic

Here's a sneak peek of what we're working on: 

And yes, there will be some special guest appearances at the party... Rocky and CeCe penguin personalities inspired by Disney Channel's hit series Shake It Up will be visiting the island! Of course, the island's resident dancer Cadence will also be there to show off her moves, too!


There will be a bunch of other surprises in July, too. Stay tuned for more info right here on the blog!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77 on June 28 2012 12:05

Cadence To Be At The Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam!

Hey, the new "Music Jam" is coming next month and not just Rocky and CeCe, but Cadence and Penguin Band! If you click on Cadence's player card on your buddy list, if you added her, click the free gift icon and you will get a "message." If you click yes, you will get a loading bug! Check it out:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Blog Decorations!

Hey, guys! Since it is summer now, I will decorate my blog for a sweet summer time until the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam begins! Here is a sneak peek:

When the new musical party begins, the blog will be transformed into a music-ful blog! Here is a sneak peek:

What do you think about the blog updates?

Fourth of July Fireworks!

Hey guys, Club Penguin is celebrating Independence Day with a fireworks celebration on the island! Check it out:

How will you celebrate your nation?

Club Penguin Magazine Issue 6

Hey, if you live in the UK, you can order the new Club Penguin Magazine Issue 6, available on June 28! Here is a sneak peek:

EPF Field-Op #88

Attention EPF Agents, you have a new field-op! Here is your mission:

Here is your location (Dock) and operation (Power Up):

Here is a message from Gary when you are done:

Complete the new EPF Field-Op at Club Penguin!

Club Penguin Times Issue #349

A new Club Penguin Times article is here! Here is this week's issue:

Superhero Page: Final Showdown! and Citizen Standoff! (Upcoming Events)

Supervillain Page: Villain Victory Imminent! and Robbers Escape Jail (Secrets)

Check out the new newspaper article at Club Penguin!

Supervillain Pin

Hey guys, a new pin is here to Club Penguin! It is the Supervillain Pin located at the Dojo Courtyard:

This pin will go great with my super villain costume, THE BLACK ARCHER:


Hey guys, so Club Penguin is being updated tonight, which means there will be a few bugs. You might expect a loading bug:

Marvel Super Hero Takeover: Breaking News! [Official Club Penguin]

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Featured Igloos: June 26


Thanks for the sweet igloo nominations you sent us! Check out some of our favorites:

Pandabear01 said: "You should really check out this penguin Hexgirl's igloo. It's so cool. It is a beautiful park. You should really look at it she would be so honored!"

Hexgirl_edit.jpgZackadoo211 said: "Nickadoo300 has a pretty awesome super villain igloo. Better hurry and look at it (he likes to change it a lot so hurry!!!)"

Sunburst8766 said: "I really like Jangapanga's iggys... U guys should check out my Friend iggy Blkberry1220. U guys all did GREAT!! WADDLE ON CP!"

Blkberry1220_edit.jpgDo you know a friend that has an amazing igloo? Let us know their penguin name in the comments below and what your favorite part of their design is. We'll feature more igloos on the blog soon, so stay tuned! 

Waddle On! :)

-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on June 26 2012 03:03