Friday, December 30, 2011

Snowball BUGS!

Echo006 and Saraapril have told me something very strange! There is another BUG, or should I say BUGS! At the Mine Shack, no matter how many snowballs you throw into the water system, it will not work! Now the food might die! Another Bug at the EPF! At the beginning of the test, you need to hit the target with a snowball, but sadly it won't work either. What if a penguin was new to Club Penguin. Another BUG at the Cave Mine! You need to throw snowballs into the machine to turn on the lights won't work! It's gonna be dark forever now! The is another BUG at the Recycling Plant! To make things, you need to throw recyclables in the machine, but it won't work. How will we make new things? The final Bug is when you throw a maximum of 11 snowballs at the same time and when you throw 12 snowballs or more, one will disappear! Although, after throwing snowballs, you get 11 that does not melt. BUG! You must leave the room to have them disappear.

So many BUGS! Thanks Saraapril and Echo006 for telling me about this bug! Please Club Penguin fix this!


  1. Hi 1aredrocka, I would rather you didn't copy my images but I know you cannot take pictures but please do not put images up that are mine. :)

  2. In fact how did you copy my images? My blog is disabled right click! So is Saraaprils!

  3. Sorry, but there is a dragging trick but don't worry, I removed the pictures. If it can make all my friends happy!

  4. Thanks, please always ask because I am veryy kind and on certain pictures (depending what they are) I will let you. :) Have you checked out my latest story? It took me about 2 hours.
