Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You Must Know...

Hey guys, I have not posted in a while because there have been problems with my blog. I will still keep the Easter decorations on my blog up until I can transform it into an Earth theme, BUT I might not do it. I should let you guys know that I might be closing my blog! My blog is starting to fall apart :( I am not sure what you guys think, but I am really upset that you have to know this. I do not wish to tell you anymore because this is just really sad :(


  1. NO!!!!! Please please please don't quit!!!!!

  2. I am not sure I will quit but I am starting to feel like I should after all I been through. It is really sad :( Thanks for your support though. :)

  3. Sorry, it should be "I am not sure IF I will quit."

  4. Make it half half. Its means maybe left is easter and right is earth party.

  5. Good idea, Nate, but according to the post it says I might not because I might quit.

    1. 1aredrocka1, Maybe you should make any more party themes so there will be no more problems. Besides, Party themes are hard work. So don't quit.

  6. The party themes are not the problem, but I don't want to talk about it...
